Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a wonderful and restful break!  We are back and working hard!  A great big thank you for all of the supplies you donated to the pediatric wing at St. Luke's Hospital. They were thrilled with the  coloring books and crayons and we appreciate your generosity!  We will be doing 1 more community service project in the spring. 

Some of you may have heard that Vicki Edwards, one of our therapy dog handlers, had a brain aneurysm before Thanksgiving. I went to visit Vicki over the holidays. She is still in the hospital. She has a long recovery ahead of her, but is working hard to re-learn how to walk and speak. Please keep her in your thoughts. I'm hoping to have the kids make some more cards for her. She has the last batch hanging in her hospital room and they really brightened her day.

Here are a few dates to remember this month:
We will be wrapping up state projects here at school. They are due
Wednesday, January 11th.
January 9th  is family dinner night at Dairy Queen
January 10th is the PTO meeting at 6 PM
January 13th is the end of the 2nd quarter
January 16th  - NO SCHOOL in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King
January 18th - Family Literacy Night - 5:30 - 7:00
January 27th  - Report cards
January 31st  is the 2nd quarter honor roll breakfast

Enjoy the beautiful, winter weather!

Mrs. Green

Monday, October 31, 2011

November News....

Hopefully, you got through the first snowstorm of the winter without too much hassle and you have your power back - or still! - on! 

Thank you all for the donations for The Center for Animal Health and Welfare!  We raised over $100 and over 25 big boxes full of supplies for the center!  What a wonderful event!  YOU made a difference!  YOU were proactive!  We appreciate it so much! 

The first quarter has officially ended and report cards will be sent home November 14th.  We are moving from Science to Social Studies this quarter. We will start with geography and move on to the United States. The unit will culminate with students being assigned a state on which they will complete a project/report.  Please have your child continue to work on assigned Study Island assignments. These assignments should show up on your child's page when they sign in. 

Students are doing an awesome job with our 100 book challenge!  We were one of the classes at Lincoln to achieve 100% of students reaching 100 steps on time!  Way to go, 5G!  I'm very proud of you!  Keep up the great work, home coaches!  I thank you so much for all of your support! 

Come and see all of our talented performers at 'Lincoln's Got Talent', Thursday, November 3rd at 5:30.  Family Math Night will take place Wednesday, November 9th. You will have a chance to hear about the district's math program and do some of the math activities done in your child's grade level.  Look for the paper to come home with all of the details. We will have our Veteran's Day Ceremony on Friday, November 11th. The ceremony will take place in front of the building starting at 9:00. (Weather permitting)

Conferences will be held  Monday, November 21st and Tuesday, November 22nd. Both of these days will be half days. Please be sure you have turned in your pink conference form.  School will be closed Tuesday, November 8th, Wednesday, November 23rd through Monday, November 28th. Schools will reopen Tuesday, November 29th. 

As always, please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns! 

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Friday, October 14, 2011

In need!

First of all, thank you so much for all of your generous donations this year!  Between, hand sanitizer,  tissues, Clorox Clean ups, Hot chocolate, cups and now, items for our drive for the animal center, you all have stepped up and shown great leadership here at Lincoln and in our community!

If at all possible, we are already running low on tissues, hand soap and Clorox Clean ups wipes. Please send some in if you are able to!  Our animal drive is running until October 27th, so  please feel free to continue to donate or ask around for needed items for the shelter.

Next week is American Education Week. A paper is coming home today. Just a note so that you are aware, I will not be in the classroom the afternoon of Monday, October 17th.  I will  be at a meeting and a substitute will be covering my class. I'm looking forward to meeting/seeing you next week!

By this point you should have signed your child's planner where their grades were listed up to this date. Please speak with your child about these grades  and continue to ask questions about grades they are receiving in class. A reading test is coming home tonight that must be signed.

Please return the pink conference forms and the forms for the October festivities

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Welcome Fall!

Fall is finally upon us and the weather is rapidly changing!   Please be sure your child is dressed appropriately and has a coat if the weather is chilly! 

October 28th will be our October Fest Parade and Party.  The PTO has graciously agreed to take care of providing healthy and fun treats for our classroom party!  Thank you  PTO! Students will be dismissed at 12:00. Be sure to sign and return the paper that came home so we know if your child will be going home and returning to school or will be staying at school and eating lunch here.   A video will be available to students who are not participating in  the October festivities. .

We are doing well with our 100 Book Challenge!  Students are rising to the occasion and  appear to love reading. If your child is behind on steps, please encourage them to read at home and get caught up!  We are almost at 100% of our class being on - or beyond! - the required step!  Way to go! 

We are still collecting items for the Center for Animal Health and Welfare. If you haven't already donated items, please consider making a donation to this worthy cause!   We are proud of our 5th graders for stepping up and becoming community leaders!

Enjoy the rest of this beautiful month! 

Mrs. G

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Don't forget  to join  us Wednesday night  for .......
  • Bed, Book & Beyond ~ 5:30PM – 7:30PM ~ Wear your pajamas!  Bring your favorite book!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

An October Welcome!

Welcome to our Lincoln Leader blog!  I'm going to try  to keep you updated on  important events and happenings in our class and here at Lincoln!

Our big news to kick off October is our first community service project!  Students are collecting supplies for the Center for Animal Health and Welfare (formerly the Northampton County SPCA). The center came to  talk to us last week and introduced us to Ginger, one of the dogs who lives at the center.  Students are making posters and writing announcements to make the rest of the school aware of our project and are hoping for both Lincoln and community support!

This is the first of several community service projects we will be doing this year as part of our Leader in Me program. Students are taking a proactive look at our community and identifying areas of need. From there, they will create a project designed to help these organizations. We are very excited to become effective leaders, not only here at Lincoln, but in our community as well!

A big thank you to everyone who has donated supplies for our classroom!  We are always in need of tissues and Clorox wipes, so please feel free to send those in at any time! 

Several times a month, we will be doing Fun Fridays.  We have Therapy dogs visit us every Friday and students will all have a chance to read with our new friends!  Some of the handlers are retired reading specialists, so we are very fortunate to have these helping hands (and paws!) in our classroom! We will also be doing several 'Coffee House Fridays', where the students will share poetry, skits, or songs, and we  get to sit back, enjoy a cup of hot chocolate and celebrate learning something new!  We are always in need of supplies for our hot chocolate treats. Many thanks to those of you who have already donated cups, cocoa, and marshmallows!  We welcome any donations you'd still  like to send in!

We are hard at work on our 100 book challenge!  Students are completing 2 steps each day at school and are asked to complete 2 steps at home with a home reading coach.  We are working on  Character, Setting and Plot, so  please ask your child to share information on these topics with books they are reading at home!

In science we are working on solar energy and temperature. Students are completing many hands on activities to fully understand these topics and are asked to keep an organized notebook. The notebooks will be checked and graded several times during the quarter, so please remind your child to keep his or her notebook organized and up to date!

Several 'at home' Study Island activities have been assigned.  Please have your child sign into the home page at  to see any new assignments or news.

It has been a wonderful first month of school!  Thank you for sharing your children with me this year! I'm looking forward to seeing them become lifelong learners and leaders this year!